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Coolant, a crucial component in automotive and industrial cooling systems, plays a pivotal role in regulating engine temperatures and maintaining optimal operating conditions. Typically a mixture of water and antifreeze additives such as ethylene glycol or propylene glycol, coolant circulates through the engine block, radiator, and heater core, absorbing heat generated by combustion and transferring it to the radiator for dissipation. This process helps prevent engine overheating and maintains consistent temperatures within the engine, ensuring efficient performance and prolonging component lifespan. In addition to heat transfer, coolant also serves as a corrosion inhibitor, protecting metal components from rust and corrosion. Regular maintenance, including coolant flushes and refills according to manufacturer recommendations, is essential to ensure coolant effectiveness and prevent cooling system issues. With its multifaceted role in heat dissipation, corrosion protection, and system longevity, coolant stands as a vital fluid in the operation of various automotive and industrial machinery.

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