Brass Compression Fittings

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Brass compression fittings are versatile and reliable components used in plumbing and fluid handling systems to create secure connections between pipes or tubing. Crafted from high-quality brass, these fittings feature a compression mechanism that forms a tight seal around the inserted pipe or tube, preventing leaks and ensuring a durable connection. The design typically consists of a compression nut, a compression ring (also known as a ferrule), and a body with a threaded end for attachment to another fitting or fixture. Installation involves simply sliding the compression nut and ring onto the pipe or tube and then tightening the nut onto the fitting body using a wrench or spanner. This compresses the ring against the pipe, creating a seal without the need for soldering or adhesive, making them suitable for use in both new installations and repairs. Brass compression fittings are known for their robustness, resistance to corrosion, and compatibility with various types of piping materials, making them a popular choice in residential, commercial, and industrial plumbing applications where reliability and longevity are paramount.

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